Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pinterest Challenge - Halloween Fun!

As many of you already know, Pinterest is an addictive site that has the potential to suck a person in for hours staring at inspiring decor, DIY ideas, clothes, food, art, etc. It also has the potential to inspire some great projects and cooking, but the reality is that most of those fun pins usually stay as pins.
I definitely am guilty of pinning WAY more than I will ever make use of - For that reason, I decided I really like the idea of doing the Young House Love Pinterest Challenge:
In a nutshell, the point is to make 1 thing each season that is inspired by something pinned on Pinterest. There aren't a lot of limitations. The 1 thing can be a large project, a small project, a simple recipe. . .whatever! This is definitely something I can handle.

I kind of ran out of time recently so I had to settle for something on the simpler side. Halloween was a perfect opportunity to come up with something so I took it. I had several Halloween party food ideas pinned already:
A few of the Halloween party food pins I like.

I ended up going with one that I had pinned months ago, well before I was thinking about Pinterest challenges or even Halloween parties:
Yup, the puking pumpkin!
Unfortunately I can't find a source beyond Pinterest for it.

I went with this because:
  • I love the ick factor of the pumpkin that is perfect for Halloween
  • I love guacamole
  • Many of our friends that were attending the party really like guac too
  • It was simple and not as labor intensive as some of the other options 
I bought a mini pumpkin earlier in the week for $1.20. Little dude had fun choosing it out, and I enjoyed being able to involve him. Then on the day of the party I carved the pumpkin:
Sorry for the blurry cell phone pics

I think it turned out rather adorable. Baby Boo watched me like  hawk while I carved it, and was very interested in the final result. She somehow managed to rip off the stem though. I don't know how seeing as it was on very firmly while I carved the thing:
I happened to snap the pic right as she did it too.
This is her "I wasn't supposed to do that huh?" face.

I considered gluing the stem back on, but forgot to before heading out. It didn't matter that much anyway.

Then I made some delicious guacamole - I used:
  • 10 avocados
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 medium red onion
  • 1/2 cup cilantro
  • 1/2 cup of pickled jalapeƱos
  • 1/2 cup of the vinegar from the jalapeƱos (for acidity)
  • Salt (to taste)
I almost forgot the pumpkin at home; luckily, I remembered it before I pulled out of the driveway. I did however, forget a serving platter for it (doofus!). I ended up using an aluminum pan because there weren't any other options. It turned out just fine and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Here is the final result:

There, I have completed my first Pinterest Challenge!!!
(If I had to do it again I would not make a smiling pumpkin since I know I don't smile when I puke.)

In the end, I consider the only real cost of this to have been the $1.20 for the pumpkin. I probably would have made guacamole for the party anyway, so that was not an additional expense. Not bad!

I have made several things from my pins in the past mostly thanks to Baby Boo's birthday party and our family portraits:

I have definitely earned this badge:

Are you on Pinterest?

If so, have you actually done anything or bought anything that you have pinned?

I challenge you (yes YOU) to join in on the Pinterest challenge too!

PS - Follow Me on Pinterest

PPS - If you aren't already on Pinterest, let me know and I can send you an invite so you don't have to wait for one. . . and no, this is not a paid advertisement for Pinterest; I am just rather addicted to them is all.


  1. Ha! This is great! I love guacamole as well :)

    Myers Maison

  2. How cool is that! I pinned it in hopes that I will remember it for next year.

    Very cute blog you have here.


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