Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nursery Art and Decore - Almost Done!

A while back I featured my kids' rooms. It has been a while since I have touched much in either room, but I did have an unfinished project in Baby Boo's room: more wall decorations.

Baby Boo's Room
Click HERE for more details

Since creating the room (way back when I was a giant preggo ), I had planned to put up frames and maybe some art on this bare wall:

Friday, November 25, 2011

Our Crazy Thanksgiving and 5QF

Long time no see 5 Question Friday!

In the spirit of all the Thanksgiving-y questions, I decided I should participate in the 5QF this week. We had a very interesting Thanksgiving to say the least. The plan was to have breakfast/brunch at my parents' house, and then go to dinner at my In-Laws' (IL). My MIL and FIL both came down with a nasty bug the day before, so Thanksgiving was changed to my SIL's house.

On Thanksgiving morning, we were at my parents' house when it was decided that it would be better to have dinner at our house instead. We got home by 1 and had until 4pm to get everything ready. The house wasn't even clean! Luckily it was the kids' nap time, so we set them down and got to cleaning right away. Thankfully the house wasn't a disaster to begin with.

My MIL, had all the groceries so hubby picked them up around 2pm and brought them over. SIL arrived before 3 and we started cooking. Luckily the turkey was taken care of for us already otherwise we obviously wouldn't have made it. By 4, the house was clean when everyone arrived, and before 5pm we set up a table for 11 in our living room (our dine-in kitchen has room for *maybe* 6). We had turkey (pre-made), gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, green bean casserole (brought in), yams, stuffing, 2 types of cranberries, ceasar salad, and dinner rolls. Not bad for an incredibly last minute effort. Unfortunately MIL and FIL were not feeling well enough to come. They were missed, but we had a great time with other family.

Here are some shots of dinner in the living room:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Not So Wordless Wednesday - November 16, 2011

The kids and I were enjoying a lazy day at home recently, and we got to playing in the kitchen. The light was streaming in through the kitchen window so beautifully, so I whipped out my camera and snapped away. I only have a point and shoot, and I definitely don't have much technical know-how. Still, I got some fun photos out of the deal.

Here are a few of them:
Playing cars on the open dishwasher

Monday, November 14, 2011

Finger Painting Adventures

Somehow, I let Little Dude get dangerously close to age 3 before doing a finger painting project at home. The sad part is that we have had a set of washable finger paints for over a year now and still managed to never do anything with them. He has finger painted elsewhere (like in his toddler class), but never at home. We draw, cook, and do other creative projects, but not finger paint.

This past weekend was my mom's birthday, so I decided that it was a great excuse to finally get some finger painting under our belts. I bought a couple of 8x10" canvases from Michael's so that the kids could make some masterpieces for grandma's birthday.

I cleared off the kitchen table and set everything up. Little Dude was very excited to start:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not So Wordless Wednesday - November 9, 2011

I tried to come up with a post for Monday and Tuesday to no avail. I am having a week of writer's block it seems so I won't bore any of you by forcing something. I don't need any hate mail from people requesting the last 2 minutes of their life back.

Creativity is in no short supply elsewhere in this house though. . . nor is artistic ability it seems. I'm just going to go ahead and be a proud bragging momma and show off Little Dude's latest drawing:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Not So Wordless Wednesday - November 2, 2011

I had to go with the obvious Halloween theme here because I have cute photos to share of the kiddos. Sorry if you are my friend on Facebook because nothing here is new, but it was definitely the highlight of our week.

I am enamoured with Tom Arma costumes for kids. The only problem with that is they are rather expensive. I scoured the internet and kept a close eye on eBay, and scored both costumes for a decent amount less than MSRP on 1. As an added bonus, the kids coordinated rather nicely:
Little Dude was a dinosaur and Baby Boo was a tree frog.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pinterest Challenge - Halloween Fun!

As many of you already know, Pinterest is an addictive site that has the potential to suck a person in for hours staring at inspiring decor, DIY ideas, clothes, food, art, etc. It also has the potential to inspire some great projects and cooking, but the reality is that most of those fun pins usually stay as pins.
I definitely am guilty of pinning WAY more than I will ever make use of - For that reason, I decided I really like the idea of doing the Young House Love Pinterest Challenge: